There were over 20 people there and I had fun!
Everyone was so proud of me for doing such a good job at nap time. My cousin Alyssa was so nice that she let me sleep in her bedroom and even brought me a friend while mommy changed my diaper.
Here I am sitting with Dee Dee at cousin Stephanie's house. She is such a good cuddler!
Before we went to the party, we went to lunch with our buddies Tim and Jeff at this place called Buffalo Wings and Rings. The waitress offered to give me some chicken wings, but I told her I was only in the mood for milk.
While I was there, I noticed this man on the wall. I kept talking to him, but all he would do was smile at me. How weird.
This is me and my cousin Alyssa. She really liked to hang out and even helped me eat my snack before we came home. If you can't tell, she was being really silly!
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