Head to toe, our baby is approximately 7 inches long and she weighs almost 7 ounces. It's busy flexing its arms and legs — movements that I can usually feel after I eat a big meal. The blood vessels are visible through its thin skin and the ears are now in position and stand out from the head. Myelin (a protective covering) is beginning to form around the nerves, a process that will continue for a year after the baby's born.
This is my blog entry that is closest to the week you are on...fyi:
With more weight up high and out in front of my body, I am still keeping my balance & am not as clumsy as books and such predict...but we'll see how long that lasts. I've noticed that I feel a little protective of my tummy. I have almost outgrown every non-maternity shirt I own and certainly outgrown every non-maternity pants I own. I am still feeling great & so thankful for it! And the coolest part? At 10:30 last night I felt baby shack move for the first time! I had just finished eating a bowl of chicken & noodle soup. About 20 minutes later Derek and I were watching Star Wars stuff and then baby shack started moving even more! It was soooooooo cool!
This is day number 119 and I'm 17 weeks pregnant! I have 161 days or 23 weeks left, and am 42.5% of the way there. Yippee!
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