Saturday, January 31, 2009
Mommy told me the other day that when I got my tubes in that I would be able to hear a lot better and it would be easier for me to walk! So, I decided to take off today. Also, Mom and Dad say that I have always been a happy baby, but until now, they didn't realize how happy and funny I am! It's amazing how feeling good puts me in a better mood!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Today, I went back to the Ear, Nose and Throat doc because mom says I kept pulling on my ears and fussing. Turns out, the antiseptic the doc put on my ears made them all itchy! Otherwise, Doctor Murphy says my ears look excellent! It's nice to get good news about my ears after a 7 week long ear infection!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is my favorite place to hang out while Dad sings to me!
Everything looks different outside, and I DON'T like it!

Tomorrow I go to get my tubes put in at 6:45 in the morning! I havent been up that early since I was 6 weeks old! The cool news is that Dee Dee is going to come and see me and Mom and Dad say I am going to feel so much better! Please keep my in your prayers tomorrow!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Today I went to the Ear, Nose and Throat doc. He confirmed that I will be getting tubes put in. They plan on putting them in on Wednesday. Keep me in your prayers and I will be sure to tell you all about it!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The other day, Mom showed me this cool show called Sesame Street. Did you know that they have Elmo on there? I met him the other day at Toys R Us, and he blew kisses at me!
Mom thinks I have more hair than I do. I still can't put anything fun in it!
I have been having a little bit of trouble walking because my balance is messed up from my ears being infected. Tonight, though, I decided to try to walk without holding Mommy or Daddy's hand. And guess what? I did it!
P.S. Please excuse the dinner that is all over my shirt!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Today, I went to the doc for my 15 month check up. Even though I just finished my THIRD round of antibiotics, both of my ears are still infected. I go to the ear, nose and throat doc on Monday to talk about getting my tubes. Please pray that they can fit me in really soon! My doc says that it probably feels like my head is in a fish bowl and that I can't find my balance!
Some good things to note are:
I weigh 26 lbs 13 oz
1 am 32 inches long
I can point to most of my body parts
I am saying plenty of words
I am learning to be an individual
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I am writing from Dee Dee and Pop's again. Good news is that the heat is working again. The bad news is that it is not warm enough to sleep at our house yet. We plan to go home tomorrow!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tonight, I am writing from the crib at Dee Dee and Pop's house. When we got home from bowling today (more on that later) our heat wasnt working! So I got to come over here and go night night while Mom stayed to wait for the heating guy. He couldnt fix it tonight so we are all partying over here at D and P's house. Hopefully we can sleep at home tomorrow, but I am having a pretty good time here!
Friday, January 16, 2009
I had to go back to the doc again today. Both of my ears are still infected. So, I have to go to see a new doctor on the 27th to talk about getting tubes put into my ears. Dr. B says not to worry and it will help me lots! She also said it might help my balance when I try to walk! I will keep you updated on the news...
So Uncle Kent and Aunt Jenn called on New Year's Eve and said they were going to drive up for a visit! We had so much fun! Aunt Jenn even took us to the Cheesecake Factory for the first time. It was super yummy!

...I havent been blogging much. I have been sleeping so good! Mom and Dad couldnt figure out why I was having such a hard time falling asleep. I would ask to go night night and then cry for an hour! Finally, Dr. Buttleman told Mom and Dad that I have an ear infection. Sooo...I am snoozin hard!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Today, I took some more steps in between Mom and Dad. I really liked to clap at myself each time I did it!
Yesterday, I got to hang out with Dee Dee and Pops all day while Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Joel, Kent and Jenn went to Cincinnati (more about Kent and Jenn later). While I was there, I said cracker! We had been eating them and I asked for one when we went back into the living room.
Thursday, January 1, 2009