Anyone that knows me knows that I always like to be a little bit early when I go somewhere.
It would seem that Sadie is the same way!
Last Monday she made an attempt to enter the world. I woke up Saturday with some pulling back aches and I told Brian that I thought they were contractions. On Sunday, they still hadn't let up, so I asked Rosalie about it and she said they sounded like contractions to her. I decided I would call the doc in the morning and went to bed that night.
At 2am, I woke up having contractions for about 2 hours. In the morning I called the doc and they had me come in. At this point, I was having non-stop cramps. They checked me and said I was dilated 1cm on the outside and sent me to the hospital.
At the hospital, they hooked me up to the non-stress test machine to monitor my contractions and could see that I was having some irregular ones as well as the cramping. They made me drink 60 ounces of water and then gave me a shot to make my uterus relax.
So far, so good. I am having about 5 contractions a day, but as of Thursday, hadn't progressed anymore. Whew! I am now on my second week of bedrest and will find out this Thursday if I can resume some (any!) activity.
If Sadie were born today, she would be fine, but we would be in the hospital for a week or two until her lungs matured. As long as she can "cook" for three more weeks, she can come anytime she wants!